Monday, October 27, 2008

Earn money with Google Adsense

Google AdSense is the Google program where you can host pay-per-click ads on your Web site. When someone clicks an ad, you earn money. Simple as that.
Unfortunately, a lot of people bought into the idea that there was a lot of easy money to be made and they are now finding out they aren't making nearly as much as they thought they would.

Webmasters must not only comply with AdSense policies, but their web sites must also comply with Google's webmaster policies.

To make money with Google AdSense you need plenty of traffic coming in to your site or there won't be anyone to click the ads.
You also need to have content that will attract the ads with the highest Pay Per Click (PPC) rate that are relevant to that content.
You need to lay out your web pages so the ads blend in with your Web site.

Google offers two ways to make money from them:

-- Google AdSense for Content - A variety of size and shape ads for placing in your content are available. These can be text or image ads or both - you specify what you'll allow. Ad units are full ads. Link units are simply a strip of text links that your visitors might want to click. Google allows you to put up to 3 Ad Units and 1 Link unit on each page of your Web site, provided you follow its policies - both for AdSense and for Webmasters.

-- Google AdSense for Search - This places a search box on your Web site. When a user enters a term and conducts a search, a search results page opens, that hosts more pay-per-click ads. You can customize the color scheme of the search results page to harmonize with your web site.

Google AdSense Payments

Google will not issue an AdSense payment until your earnings exceed $100. Unfortunately, there are loads of Google AdSense Forum entries about Web site operators who accumulated $90 or more in click through earnings only to get banned from Google and not get paid anything at all before they ever reached $100. This may be because Google doesn't take a close look to see if you're complying with their guidelines until it comes time to pay you. So yes, there's a lot more to the story than meets the eye.
Other Programs Besides AdSense

Yahoo and MSN have similar programs, although those programs aren't as well-developed as Google AdSense and there aren't as many available advertisers to display ads on your site. The fundamentals for making money are the same. You still need plenty of traffic, you still need high-paying ads, and you still need to design your site to harmonize with the ads to get people to click.


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Nice comment.

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